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  • Age UK is the leading charity for older people.

    • 1 job

    Government & Infrastructure Financial Advisory Services. We help our clients to successfully deliver infrastructure projects in a number of sectors including new energy, health, housing, education, waste, transport, leisure, emergency services and

  • We deliver independent and robust audit of Scotland’s public sector, working on behalf of the Auditor General and the Accounts Commission

  • Azets UK is the UK’s largest regional accounting firm and specialist business advisor to SMEs

  • B&Q

    Behind every rescued DIY disaster and every ambitious household project, we're there.

  • Bates Weston are a leading independent firm of Chartered Accountants

  • BDO

    BDO is the UK member firm of BDO International, the world’s fifth largest accountancy network, with more than 1,200 offices in 138 countries. BDO are building a strikingly different business, focused on exceptional client service. Their accounting

    • 1 job

  • Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is the local authority of Blackburn with Darwen in Lancashire

  • Brebners is a firm of chartered accountants and business advisers based in London and Sevenoaks.

  • The British Medical Association (BMA) is the trade union and professional body for doctors in the UK

    • 1 job

    No one knows cruising like Carnival UK, where talented people from across the globe come together to create unforgettable holiday happiness.

  • Established for over 40 years and one of the largest independent firms of Chartered Accountants in Manchester, we represent local companies as an accountant, tax and strategic business advisor, delivering a range of value-added services that go well be...

  • Cloch Housing Association is a registered social landlord operating in Inverclyde, Scotland.

  • Advisers are all alike, right? Well no, they’re not. At Cooper Parry we fly in the face of convention. If others zig, we zag. If they go down the straight and narrow, we scan far and wide. We look to ‘Disrupt, Lead and Make Life Count’. This is how

  • Crisis is the national charity for homeless people. We know that homelessness is not inevitable. We know that together we can end it.

  • A specialist consultancy dedicated to recruiting for Accountancy Practice firms across the U.K.